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The cookie cliff edge

There is a major change coming that could dramatically impact your assets

Google has announced that it will stop the use of third-party cookies in Chrome in 2024 - one of many tracking technologies provided by a third party that your assets employ on their websites for the benefit of running analytics solutions, advertising platforms and technology integrations.

If the 2024 timeline holds, cookies will soon be rendered obsolete, marking one of the most significant changes in the short history of digital media.

Google’s replacement solution, Privacy Sandbox, for example, is being heavily tested. However, as private equity owners, your assets cannot afford to walk blindly into this impending change.

Google’s actions will have a significantly more profound effect on your assets’ analytics, advertising and marketing capabilities.

Advertisers and publishers will need to depend primarily on their own first-party data, or on data from walled gardens, contextual targeting, and greater support from data platforms.

In this whitepaper, we look at:

  • The implications around the end of third-party cookies in Chrome
  • Who the winners and losers are likely to be
  • The key considerations for private equity firms looking to support their assets in building and implementing the right analytics structure and data strategy to minimise the risks

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Cookieless future: lunch and learn

Sign up for a 1:1 video session to discuss how these changes could effect your portfolio

With customer data increasingly driving the personalisation strategies that fuel the customer experience across sales, marketing, and customer experience, your data strategy has never been more important.

However, the days of delivering marketing outcomes and CX strategies on the basis of third-party data are coming to an end in 2023. Amidst regulatory laws and privacy concerns, businesses now face the loss of third-party cookies leading to the loss of insights into buyer behaviour online, limited targeting options and the reduction of advertising capabilities.

Businesses cannot afford to walk blindly into this impending change, there will be a demonstrable impact on businesses marketing activity which, if not addressed, could ultimately impact long-term business performance and subsequent shareholder value.

Hosted by Dan Spicer - Head of Go-to-Market Strategy

Our lunch and learn will provide a practical perspective on:

  • The key differences between zero, first, second, and third-party cookies - and what it means for your assets
  • Creating a first-party data strategy to combat cookie loss
  • Understanding the new technology requirements and associated investment to deliver efficient sales & marketing strategies

Register your interest for a free 30-min consultative call:



About Palladium

Palladium is an award-winning digital and technology due diligence provider and digital transformation partner to Private Equity firms and their portfolios across Europe and the US - providing advisory services throughout the transaction lifecycle. Palladium was named Gold and Overall Winner at the International Digital Experience Awards 2021.